How can we help you?
Take advantage of the BDB Consulting specialists’ expertise and experience – tailor our comprehensive range of accounting services to your needs.
Secure your company – benefit from tax consultancy and ongoing risk analysis.
Take care of the bookkeeping activities from scratch – assure yourself and your company a safe future and support in the company’s development.
What distinguishes BDB Consulting?
Why should you entrust us with your company's accounting services?
We know more, and we can do more ... for you and your company – the comprehensiveness of our services will save your time and money.
We are specialists, so we always know how to help you – our team encompasses statutory auditors, chartered accountants, an attorney-at-law and a lawyer.
We provide services in English, according to international reporting standards – a significant part of our clients are foreign entities and companies with cross-border legal and business relationships.
Effectiveness of actions is our hallmark – you will notice the effects of our (co-)operation) sooner than you expect. We just don’t intend to waste your time.
we are here to help you
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satisfied customers
See how others have benefited from cooperation with BDB Consulting.
Hanna Zdanowska
Prezydent Miasta Łodzi
Dzięki zaangażowaniu BDB CONSULTING Sp. z o.o. mieliśmy szansę zorganizować wydarzenie, w którym wzięło udział 146 uczestników. Państwa wsparcie pozwoliło nam otoczyć właściwą opieką 24 przedsięwzięcia biznesowe.
Kinga Chelińska - Barańska
Country Manager DIGITAL WORKFORCE Sp. z o.o.
Z BDB CONSULTING współpracujemy od początku naszej obecności na polskim rynku. Korzystamy z usług księgowych, kadrowych i płacowych oraz usług prawnych. Cenimy sobie szybki kontakt i indywidualne podejście do klienta. Polecam
Emil Jałocha
Prezes Zarządu Ciepłownia Sp. z o.o.
Korzystamy z usług BDB CONSULTING od bardzo wielu lat. Otrzymujemy szerokie wsparcie, w tym specjalistyczne wymagane dla naszej branży. Dla planujących długoterminową relację, polecam
Bookkeping services
BDB Consulting - Your accounting is in the best hands!
With the experience and expertise gained throughout over 25 years of operation, we can provide effective accounting support for various clients – business entities, social organisations, political parties and religious associations. We are convinced that we can also help you.
Keeping accounting ledgers
Take advantage of the BDB Consulting specialists’ expertise and experience. Opt for savings and safety – transfer entire responsibility for tax settlements and the correctness of balance sheet data to us.
Full accounting
Gain confidence and comfort ... fully – transfer all accounting documentation to us, and our specialists will take care of all accounting issues, including obligations involving:
- tax calculations,
- reporting, including reports for owners and management,
- issuing sales documents (invoices and bills);
- filling in warehouse documentation;
- payment handling.
The full accounting services will provide you with organisational comfort and reduce staff and office space expenses. We use modern IT tools that eliminate paper documentation and ensure quick access to information.
Partial accounting
Choose the service tailored to your potential and needs – hand over a part of the accounting to us. We advise: as a rule, customers decide to invoice and handle payments on their own.
Partial accounting is a proven and safe solution – we are responsible for the ledgers and preparation of payments In the banking system.
In-house accounting
Clients from medium and large enterprises appreciate accounting in the “in house” option- both for full and partial accounting services.
How do we implement “in house” accounting? BDB Consulting accounting specialists keep accounting books directly (or supervise their keeping) at the client’s premises – it is an economical and convenient solution for your company. In addition, it prevents complications related to holidays or insufficient qualifications of your employees.
Secure your company - order a tax consultancy services
Tax risk is a type of risk that occurs in any business – including yours. Delays or irregularities in tax settlements and suboptimal management of expenses can cost your company a lot ... financial nuisance. A tax analysis by experienced BDB Consulting specialists will help you avoid sanctions, penalties and keep your creditworthiness.
As part of tax advisory services for your company:
- we will carry out a detailed analysis of tax settlements' correctness, and we will point out errors that increase the tax risk in your company.
- we will prepare a practical tax audit report, and we will highlight solutions that will improve your company's work;
- upon your request, we will develop and implement "self-control" procedures that will help you correct all shortcomings on an ongoing basis.
- we will address all of your questions and doubts related to the tax aspects of your business.
Are you managing a small business? Or are you developing a startup?
Take care of the accounting procedures correctness, safeguard your company future and stable development – with BDB Consulting’s accounting for small enterprises.
Join the group of our clients who do not keep accounting in the form of ledgers or implement a new business idea but want to have everything… under control.
What can we do for you and your company?
- We can run revenue and expense ledgers,
- We can arrange settlements under flat-rate tax on registered income without deductible costs,
- We can provide substantial support to flat-rate taxpayers
- If you are a startup – we can help you plan an optimal model of organization and development of your company in terms of taxation
We can do all of this online using modern electronic accounting tools.
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